All resellers have the same goal. We want to buy as many profitable items as our business account will allow. Today’s blog post will help you find ways to come up with “free” money that you can spend on more sourcing! 1. Rewards Programs Many stores that you regularly shop at have some sort of
Garage Sale Tip #2 – How to Find Profitable Garage Sales
Today’s tip is absolutely essential in making the most money for the time you invest in sourcing at garage sales. Garage sale tip #2 is basic: How to find ‘em. The more garage sales you find, the more profits you can make. Some of the methods I use to find garage sales are pretty obvious,
To Share or Not to Share a BOLO
In our last blog post, we talked about how to capitalize on a BOLO. We shared many ideas of how to make the most out of both your time and your money when it comes to a BOLO. Note: In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing retail store BOLOs (not garage sale, thrift store, or other
Garage Sale Tip #3 – Turn $2.50 into $20 Over and Over
Almost every time I go out to source at garage sales, I see a certain item that I can buy for next to nothing and easily use to turn a few quarters into $20. What am I talking about? Expired printer ink cartridges. If you have a Staples office store nearby, then you can take advantage