* This blog post is out of date as CameCamelCamel has been updated and is no longer helpful to resellers. But the info about Keepa in this post is still very helpful. Today’s blog post will be short on written text so that we can point you directly to a screen capture video. I’ve put
How to Read & Understand CamelCamelCamel Graphs
UPDATE: As of 2/28/19, CamelCamelCamel (CCC) has removed access to the sales rank tab. The sales rank tab currently has a note that says, “Sales rank history has been disabled, we do not expect it to return, and we are unable to respond to any support requests regarding it.” Losing the sales rank data from
Find Better, Faster Selling Amazon FBA Inventory
Has this ever happened to you? You go sourcing for inventory to sell on Amazon and find some good stuff… I mean, the prices are good, the sales rank is good, but once you finally get these items to Amazon, the prices for many have either tanked, or they just never sell. You check in
How to Find and Remove “Dead Inventory”
With an Amazon FBA business, nobody likes to waste money on something that isn’t going to eventually make money. But we all do it. We all spend money on inventory that we think will bring back a return on our investment (ROI), only to have it sit in the FBA warehouse without a sale. And it
Our Favorite Amazon FBA Sourcing App – Scoutify
Like we said in our last blog post, there seems to be a huge debate among Amazon FBA sellers about whether to use the Amazon Seller app for sourcing inventory or whether to pay for a third-party scanning app. Check out the comments on that post to see that some people feel pretty strongly
The Amazon Seller App – Pros and Cons
You don’t have to talk to Amazon FBA sellers for too long before you know their opinion about which sourcing apps they prefer. There seems to be a raging debate about whether the Amazon Seller app is sufficient for sourcing products to resell or whether you should pay for a third party scanning app. Today
7 Tips for Navigating the April Sales Tax Perfect Storm
Today we have a guest post from our friends at TaxJar. We hope you find the information as helpful as we have. April is what we here at TaxJar call a “sales tax perfect storm.” Because quarterly and monthly sales tax deadlines converge this month, nearly every online seller will have at least one sales
Responding To The Latest Changes In Amazon Selling
Updated for March 2016. First posted May 2014. The past few days have seen many Amazon sellers freaking out about the latest Amazon policy update. I’ve even heard of people saying they are going to quit selling on Amazon because of this change. In all honesty, I think that most people are just overreacting and
The Biggest Amazon FBA Sourcing Mistake You Can Make
As Amazon FBA sellers, we have all made this sourcing mistake at one point or another. Especially as we’re just getting started in the business, without much experience to give us confidence. Typically, we start out selling items that are familiar to us. Many sellers come to Amazon as book lovers, looking to get profits
The Best Items to Buy on Craigslist and Sell via Amazon FBA
If you’re like me, you get tired of chasing the next clearance sale at the big national retail chains, only to have your retail arbitrage finds “tank” in price before you even get your inventory sent in to the Amazon FBA warehouse. Sure, there are times when you can beat other sellers to the punch
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