You found a great item to buy at a low price that should bring back a high ROI (return on investment) if you sell it via Amazon FBA. But when you dig a little deeper on the Amazon listing, it seems like there are a lot of competitors who already have offers available. Are there
Podcast Episode 076 : What to Do When Your Inventory Doesn’t Sell
When selling on Amazon, there are occasions you will struggle to move certain items from your inventory. This can happen for a multitude of reasons, and you can address this issue in a number of ways. In this episode, we share a few top tips for helping the process along and cleaning out those lingering
Avoiding The Summer Sales Slow Down
Summer is coming and now is the perfect time to make the proper preparations to avoid what many Amazon sellers call, “The Summer Sales Slow Down.” For some reason summertime means somewhat slower sales than usual for most Amazon sellers. It’s most likely attributed to the fact that people are outside more often in the
Podcast Episode 068 : Why Are My Sales So Slow?
Most Amazon sellers know that when you run an FBA business there will always be periodic times when sales are slow. This is inevitable, no matter what your strategy is, but there are definitely a few practices and habits to employ that will help you keep sales more consistent, as well as be less emotionally
Podcast Episode 049 : Five Major Profit Leaks for Amazon FBA Sellers
It doesn’t matter how big your Amazon boat is, if it’s got a leak, then it’s going to sink. In today’s episode, we tackle five major profit leaks that affect many Amazon FBA sellers, also giving you solutions that will increase your revenue stream. We’ll break down all of the hidden and forgotten fees that
The Five Times You Should Buy an Item with a High Sales Rank
I’m like any other Amazon FBA seller out there – if I could source and sell only low ranking, fast turning items at 100% ROI (return on investment) or higher, I would choose to do that every day, all day. That’s what we all want to do, right? Maximize our ROI and maximize the speed
Podcast Episode 009 : How to Avoid the Summer Sales Slowdown on Amazon
For many Amazon FBA sellers, the summer months usually bring slower sales than normal. Nobody wants slower sales, so in this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show podcast, we discuss why sales usually slow down during the 3 months of summer. We’ll also share with you multiple proven strategies to keep your sales consistently high
The Top 6 Repricing Strategies for Amazon FBA Sales and Profits
Whether you have one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand items in your Amazon inventory, having your items priced competitively is one of the best ways to increase profits. No matter how long your inventory has been sitting in an Amazon warehouse, it’s very likely that new competition has come into the picture and
Sourcing Strategies For Selling Shoes on Amazon FBA
You might be convinced that selling shoes on Amazon can be a profitable addition to your Amazon business model, but you may still be asking, “What are the best strategies and methods for sourcing profitable shoes?” Since my last two interview videos (here and here) with Rebecca were so well received, I decided to sit
Why Are My Amazon FBA Sales So Slow?
If you’re like most Amazon sellers, you can get quite addicted to refreshing your pending sales page in Seller Central. Or maybe you like to check the Amazon Seller app to see what your total sales numbers are for the day so far. It’s a lot of fun, and even sometimes a rush, to see