As Amazon FBA sellers, we are always looking for more items to add to our inventory to sell on Amazon. But sometimes we just can’t seem to find those profitable items fast enough. This can be discouraging, but it doesn’t always have to be this way. Usually, Amazon sellers start off selling items that are
Podcast Episode 048 : Halloween Profits for Amazon FBA Sellers
Are you wondering whether selling Halloween-related stuff is even worth it this year? Well, Stephen and Rebecca are here to tell you that not only is it worth it, but it can also be a profitable opportunity! In today’s episode, Stephen and Rebecca talk about some spooky, exciting, and awesome things you can do to
Podcast Episode 046 : Is Buy and Hold a Good Strategy for Amazon Sellers?
In this episode, we dive into the buy and hold strategy, which is basically buying products now in order to hold them to sell at a point in the near or distant future. Sometimes a reseller will find an item that is not profitable now (or that could be even more profitable in the future)
Podcast Episode 037 : Overcoming Your Fear of Starting to Sell on Amazon
Are you letting any fears stand in your way of pursuing the dream of starting and succeeding with an Amazon FBA business? Even though you might have read all the books, listened to the podcasts, and signed up for every related newsletter, there are those who still struggle to find the courage to start selling
Podcast Episode 036 : Top Amazon FBA Myths You Need to Stop Believing
Today we are going to look at the top myths that may be preventing you from growing your FBA business and meeting your goals. These myths range from the serious to the trivial, but if you’re believing these lies, then you’re not only missing out on more profits, but you’re also ruining your success potential.
Podcast Episode 035 : Why Some Amazon Sellers Sell at a Loss (And How That Impacts You.)
Why would anybody sell an item on Amazon for such a low price that they’re actually losing money on the transaction? If you’ve ever been sourcing, found an item, but see it’s for sale on Amazon at or around the same price you’re seeing it sold for in the store you’re at, then you’ve probably
Podcast Episode 033 : Top 9 Free Tools for Amazon FBA Resellers
In today’s episode, Stephen and Rebecca talk about the top nine free tools for Amazon FBA resellers to help you make more money and save some time. These simple, easy-to-use, and – best of all – free tools will help you grow your Amazon business by calculating your FBA fees and potential profit, comparing prices,
Podcast Episode 021 : Amazon Sales Rank: The Top 8 Things You Need to Know
Sales rank on Amazon can be one of the most perplexing aspects of selling on Amazon. In today’s episode, we clear up the confusion by unpacking this phenomenon, describing what it is and how it works so that you know how to best leverage this information to make faster sales and more profits. Sales rank
Podcast Episode 019 : Find Profitable Inventory Even With Limited Funds
It’s totally possible to get started selling on Amazon with hardly any capital in the beginning. In today’s episode, we’ll share eight different strategies you can use to find profitable inventory to sell on FBA, specifically if you have a limited amount of sourcing capital. The goal with these strategies is to find inventory you
Understanding the Suppressed Buy Box on Amazon (And How to Regain It)
It’s not the most fun topic, I know, but we need to talk about how to handle a suppressed buy box in your Amazon FBA inventory. My goal is to help you understand how or why the suppressed buy box happens – and then know how to regain that buy box and start selling your