Many of us got our start on Amazon selling books or toys. For most of us, at some point after we get our feet wet selling via FBA, the idea comes into our minds to expand beyond those entry-level categories. We hear over and over about the new hot Amazon category of the month that’s guaranteed to cause your profits to explode, and we start to wonder…should I try selling in that category? Will it be worth my time? Are the profits in that category really all that great? Is there inventory available for me to purchase? Will I be able to find good deals for resale?
Those are all valid questions and ones we’ve considered at great length for our own FBA business. Some of those questions lead into another fear we’ll be mentioning in a later post in this series, FOMO, or the fear of missing out. Not every shiny new category that’s currently all the rage is worth pursuing with everything you’ve got, but there are definitely great benefits to branching out to try new categories:
It’s a good idea not to keep all your eggs in one basket/category. Diversifying your inventory can mean adding greater seasonal profits to your business as well as a nice stream of slow-but-steady profits throughout the year, depending on the category.
- You never know until you try something whether or not you will succeed at it. If you’re only selling toys but decide to test out a few kitchen items, you may discover a profitable niche that you absolutely love.
- Items for resale are available everywhere, everywhere, and if you pass something by because it’s in an unfamiliar category, well, you’re passing up money. You’re in this business to make money, aren’t you?
So what is it that’s holding you back from branching out into new categories? You know the old adage about how the best way to conquer your fears is to confront them? That’s so very true for me (Rebecca) with these fears about new categories. I look back now and realize how big my fear seemed at the time (big enough to keep us from moving forward in that aspect of our business), but how manageable it all seems now, from the other side of it.
I want to share with you three fears that I personally have dealt with over the past couple of years, along with the corresponding truths that are so evident to me now.
Fear of the Grocery and Beauty Categories – I’m afraid of products with expiration dates. I don’t want to get in trouble for selling an expired product to someone.
Truth – Amazon won’t let you sell someone an expired product, so this fear of mine was completely groundless. When items with an expiration date are checked into the FBA warehouses, the workers note the expiration date (which we have clearly labeled on the product during prep), so that the item can be automatically pulled from active inventory and disposed of by Amazon 50 days before expiration (see Amazon guidelines here).
Now, what I learned later is that I should be more concerned about keeping track of my upcoming expiration dates either so that I make sure my inventory sells before the time frame when Amazon disposes of it, or so that I can create a removal order before Amazon disposes of it. This initially required my setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of expiration dates; we are now monitoring these dates with reminders in InventoryLab, our listing program. Expiration dates are completely manageable, and if I had let this fear continue to paralyze me, we would have missed out on a lot of profits over the past couple of years.
Fear of the Clothing and Shoes Categories – I’m afraid of making a bad buying decision with all the variations available. Size, color, so many unknowns. The price and sales rank history on Keepa just isn’t there like it is in other categories, and my scanning apps aren’t working the same way with these items. I’m afraid this is too much for me to learn.
Truth – There’s no way around it, categories with variations are just downright intimidating. But just as with anything else in this business, making good buying decisions on items with variations is a skill that can be learned.
One way to acquire this skill is through education. Read everything you can about selling in these categories. There are ebooks, courses, and guides available for purchase on this topic, but there are also plenty of free resources out there. We have several blog posts and YouTube videos about selling shoes, so you could start there with your free education. If you’re ready for a paid course, you can check out The Reseller’s Guide to Selling Shoes: Kick up Your Profits with New Shoes via Amazon FBA.
Another great method for educating yourself is through Facebook groups. Now, I don’t mean go out and join a bunch of groups and post, “Hi, I want to know about selling shoes, please tell me everything there is to know” until someone answers your question. A better, more efficient approach would be to use the search feature within Facebook groups. Type in search terms like shoes, shoe sizes, shoe ranks, etc, and read all the older posts related to the topic you want to learn. You would be amazed at how many people have already asked the very question you want to ask, and you’re likely to learn a ton of great info by reading through the comments.
The other main way to learn how to make good buying decisions with clothing and shoes, I’m sorry to say, is by trial and error. Good old experimentation. We all want to learn without having to pay any type of cost, but sometimes the best way to learn is by making mistakes. Sometimes you really can’t know what your buying parameters should be for a new category until you just test the waters by making some purchases and seeing how they do when you send them in to the FBA warehouse.
Fear of Gated Categories – Getting ungated is hard. Invoices from suppliers? Ewww.
Truth – Getting ungated is easier now than ever, especially during periods of automatic approvals. But even if you are required to submit photos, flat files, or invoices for category approval, there are ways to make the process simpler.
One thing to keep in mind is that Amazon’s guidelines on categories requiring approval are fluid, so you need to do your due diligence to find out what is necessary for category approval on your seller account at the current time. You can check out this quick link,, to go directly to the Amazon Seller Central page detailing categories and products that require approval. This page also will get you started with how to request approval in gated categories.
As an example of how things change for Amazon sellers over time, when we were young sellers (young in Amazon years, that is), Grocery and Health & Beauty were not gated categories. We sold freely in those categories, and then suddenly they were gated. Luckily, we were grandfathered into those categories and didn’t need to apply for approval. On the other hand, we were gated in the Clothing and Shoes categories and had to go through a long process of submitting flat files and photos in order to get approval. Later, those categories were opened up through automatic approvals, and now (early 2018) they appear to be completely ungated (although some brands and specific ASINs continue to be gated for newer sellers).
My point is that the approval process is doable, and it might even change to become easier over time.
So there you have it. Our three biggest fears about branching out into new Amazon categories. Shining a light on those fears shows them to be needless — they are surmountable with a little thought and effort.
We’d love to hear from you about your greatest success stories in overcoming your fears of new categories — or the biggest fear you’re facing now that you want some encouragement for. Let us hear from you in the comments!
The Reseller’s Guide to Replens
Let’s be honest. If you really want to turn part-time hours into a full-time income, the sourcing activities of clearance aisles, liquidation lots, products on sale, garage sales, and thrifting are not the strategies that will make a full-time income.
The most efficient and profitable way to make a full-time income is to focus on replenishables (or “replens” for short).
In the Amazon reselling world, a replen is an inventory item you can buy multiples of, send to Amazon, sell quickly, and then replenish your stock so that you never sell out.
Buying and selling replens is easily one of the most lucrative strategies for stable, long-term Amazon success.
If you’ve been frustrated with your current sourcing strategies, and if you’d like to learn more about how to source inventory that you can buy multiples of, sells consistently, and rarely ever runs out of stock, then our new course, The Reseller’s Guide to Replenishables: Find Profitable Amazon Inventory to Sell Again and Again, is for you.
With this course, you’ll finally have the skills to source for inventory that you can buy multiples of, you’ll grow your Amazon business to the next level by selling your inventory faster and at higher prices!
Another great Amazon seller blog Stephen. Well done.
Thanks, Chris!
I have been ungated in the categories of clothing, jewelry, shoes, watches, and luggage. This happened a couple of weeks ago when they opened these categories for immediate approval.
So now I am trying to get ungated in groceries, beauty, and health and personal care. Previously sellers were able to submit retail receipts to get ungated in these areas. Now Amazon is requiring purchase orders. I’m looking at wholesale grocers in a nearby city to get a purchase order.
Be thankful if you got ungated with a receipt from your local store. It’s not so easy anymore.
Instead of copying and pasting all the information from another site, let me give you a link to find what I think would work best for you. Go to:
and copy/paste the following text into the search bar:
How To Get Approval In The Restricted Categories On Amazon For FBA Sellers
On that page is a detailed step-by-step explanation of what you need to do for many different categories. I hope this will help!
I’m having a very difficult time getting ungated in Health and Personal Care. First of all, it took nearly a month to get any response at all, despite my occasional inquiry into the status. Then I received an email that I was denied. I asked why and they said are not able to tell me. Then they said someone would call me. When someone finally did a week later, I was not able to get any information from him either. I rechecked the paperwork I submitted, compared it to the guidelines, and don’t see a single thing wrong. I don’t understand why they won’t tell you what you did wrong. How are you supposed to correct it if you don’t know what it is?
Fellow FBAers on Facebook are having equally frustrating experiences getting ungated in Health and Personal Care, Beauty and Grocery.
I know just howe frustrating it can be trying to communicate with someone from Amazon. Sometimes you get someone who understands what you are asking or needing, and other times it’s the opposite. Sometimes you can get what you need accomplished in 24-48 hours, and other times it can seem like a month. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this issue. My advise is to not give up. Keep asking. Maybe ask to speak with a supervisor… this has worked for me in the past.
Also, as I commented above, here is a link with a lot of free information about getting undated. Go to:
and copy/paste the following text into the search bar:
How To Get Approval In The Restricted Categories On Amazon For FBA Sellers
I think that might help things go smoother next time. Let me know how things go!
Hi Stephen and Rebecca
Thanks for all of the information you provide. It has really helped me as I begin this journey.
Quick question.
I decided to begin my Amazon business by selling what I have around the house, that is either brand new or rarely used, such as books, children’s clothing, holiday decor, etc.
I followed your link to learn more about becoming ungated in clothing, but the site no longer offers assistance because the approval process is now much easier. I went ahead and applied, but was immediately turned down because I had not purchased the items from a wholesaler. I see a lot of posts for wholesalers connected with the Big 3, but none foe clothing. Any advice?
Thank you!
Stephen and Rebecca:
I am in the last two days of Toys-R-Us. I have spent a great deal helping this store with its inventory. (wink, wink) However, they have one more item that the Amazon app says I can make a good profit. My husband says the item is too big (fear): I say we should go for it. It is a Transformer item. What do you think?
Great article! For me – very timely! Thanks!