Welcome to the Full-time FBA Resource page, where you’ll find our most recommended resources that have helped us turn part-time hours into a full-time income.
Our Top 3 Most Recommended Amazon Tools
Seller 365 (includes InventoryLab, Scoutify, Tactical Arbitrage, and more!) – Seller 365 is my #1 most recommended product because it’s actually ten helpful tools in one! I believe all online resellers need to use Seller 365 in their Amazon business… and with Seller 365, you get access to InventoryLab for inventory management, listing your items on Amazon, running helpful reports, and so much more, PLUS Scoutify to make faster, better, smarter sourcing decisions, PLUS Tactical Arbitrage to find profitable inventory online to sell on Amazon, PLUS tools to help gain more feedback, PLUS MORE! Seller 365 is easily the absolute best deal on the market for Amazon sellers to finally gain control of their Amazon business activities and take the steps needed to get to the next level.
Keepa – Easily my #2 most recommended product that Amazon sellers MUST have to be successful selling on Amazon. Keepa is an amazing tool that tracks, stores, and displays the data from the pricing and sales rank history for almost every item sold on Amazon. When I’m sourcing for profitable inventory, I take a few extra seconds and check the Keepa data and make a much smarter sourcing decision. By using Keepa, I almost never source an item where the price “tanks,” and if I do, I know that the price will recover fairly quickly. With Keepa you can basically look into the past sales and pricing data to better predict the future outcomes with confidence. Using this tool is a no-brainer if you want to succeed.
BQool –
The most profitable automatic repricer on the market. The first month I used BQool, my sales literally doubled! For years I only repriced my inventory manually and thought I could keep up with making sure the prices of my inventory was competitive. But then I discovered just how powerful BQool is. I realized I needed to be proactive when it comes to making sure ALL of my inventory was competitively priced. BQool (pronounced: “Be Cool”) was the answer I was looking for. I was able to sync BQool with my InventoryLab account and with one click import the buy cost for all of my inventory, and then all I had to do was pick my minimum and maximum sales prices — and Bqool did the rest! They have multiple brilliant repricing strategies to help you win the buy box, get the next sale, or implement other repricing strategies that best fit your business model.
Recommended Training
Tactical Arbitrage Academy – Tactical Arbitrage Academy is a thorough video-driven training course designed to cut the learning curve of Tactical Arbitrage dramatically.
Use the code FULLTIMEFBA50 to save $50 off the cost of the course.
The Wholesale Formula – Hands down, the absolute best course on how to successfully add wholesale to your Amazon FBA business. I have personally gone through 3 different wholesale courses to teach me how to do wholesale sourcing, and The Wholesale Formula (TWF) is the one that actually led me to the results I was looking for. With The Wholesale Formula, my eyes were finally opened to things about wholesale I’ve never thought about before. I took action based on the program and began to find multiple profitable wholesale accounts. IMPORTANT: TWF is open for purchase for only a few days out of the year. To get notified when The Wholesale Formula opens up a free training workshop and their game-changing Wholesale Formula program, then click here to be put on the waiting list.
Online Arbitrage Tools
RevSeller – Our most used Amazon seller extension helps you make faster and more informed sourcing decisions using the product profit calculator and provides you with a wealth of information that is embedded on every Amazon product page.
Use the code FULLTIME to get $20 off your first year.
OA Buddy – This tool notifies you of online stores that notoriously cancel or restricts your buyer account because they don’t want to sell to resellers. Know ahead of time if an online store has buyer limits, how often you can orders from them, and other important features.
Use the code FULLTIME20 for $20 off this online arbitrage tool.
Seller Labs Pro– A suite of tools that helps you successfully run your Amazon reseller business. The most used tool that I use in this suite is Feedback Genius that helps me get more positive feedback scores and helps me eliminate getting negative feedback scores.
Use the code GOPROSMO for 30% off your first 3 months.
Helium 10 – Another helpful suite of tools that can help your Amazon reseller business by organizing Amazon data to helpyou save time and make more profits.
Use the code FULLTIMEFB6M20 for 20% off your first 6 months.
Use the code FULLTIMEFB10 for 10% off every month or 10% off the annual membership.
Rakuten – A free tool to help you get cash back for many of your online purchases. Rakuten is the number one most trusted cash back site. In fact, the first time you use Rakuten, they’ll put some bonus cash back (on top of the cash back you earn from your purchase) in your account to help you get started. The more you buy, the more you can get back. Seriously, the sky is the limit: we’ve had cash back checks from Rakuten well over $1000! It doesn’t cost you anything to use, but if you don’t use it, you’re throwing money away.
Honey – The Honey extension works by automating the process of applying promotional codes and coupons to your online purchases. I’ve saved tons of money and time by letting Honey search and try codes for me. It’s absolutely free and super easy! Again, this is a tool that if you don’t use it, then you’re just spending more that you have to on your online buys.
IP ALERT– One of the most frustrating things when it comes to selling on Amazon is finding a profitable item, sending it to Amazon, and then your listing gets shut down because the brand owner filed an intellectual property (IP) claim against your seller account. Not only are IP claims a pain to deal with, buy getting too many of them will cause your Amazon seller account to be shut down. IP Alert is a simple tool that notifies you if a brand you’re looking to source is known to file these IP claims against sellers. Avoid the pain and the possible Amazon account shut down by getting IP Alert.
Use the code FULLTIME30 for $30 off the price of this desktop & mobile tool.
Solutions4Ecommerce – If you want to scale your business and hire a service to regularly handle your Amazon back end activities, Solutions4Ecommerce is the best service out there. They help with stranded inventory, unfulfillable inventory, feedback repair and management, lost inventory, lost/damaged/destroyed returns, reimbursement case management, reconciling incorrect shipping issues, inventory age reports, and so many other inventory management tasks. We wholeheartedly recommend the account management services of Solutions4Ecommerce. In fact, if you use the coupon code FULLTIMEFBA you can save 15% off of their monthly services.
My Prep Center – Once you start regularly selling on Amazon, then it’s time to outsource your inventory prep and shipping to a trusted prep center who will do it all for you. We highly recommend My Prep Center as a trusted business partner for our Amazon FBA business. They care care of receiving your OA or Wholesale shipments, inspect the inventory, prep your inventory according to Amazon’s requirements, and will ship your inventory to the FBA warehouses that Amazon requests. We have used My Prep Center since 2018 and trust them to do the job not only right, but quickly.
FreeUp – Many people like the idea of hiring a virtual assistant (VA) but don’t like the idea of training that VA to do the job right. FreeUp offers you pre-trained virtual assistants (in the US or abroad) to help you handle multiple tasks related to selling on Amazon or eBay. FreeUp gives you the opportunity to easily outsource multiple areas of your Amazon business that will, in turn, free up your time to only work on the most important aspects of your Amazon business.
Inventory Processing Supplies
It’s critical when working from home to make sure your work environment is set up in such a way that you can best use your time and energy. Here’s what we use:
USB Desktop Barcode Scanner – Who wants to enter every single UPC number each time you process inventory to Amazon? Not me, that’s for sure. This barcode scanner saves tons of time and frustration. Just point the scanner at the barcode, pull the trigger, and “BAM!” The barcode number is now magically entered in your computer. The adjustable hands-free stand is a really nice option too.
Dymo LabelWriter 450 Printer – This little printer is a huge time saver when it comes to processing my FBA inventory. Before this printer, I had to print 30 FBA labels on one sheet via my regular printer and then try to match up the right labels to the right items. Now, I can print the labels one at a time with my Dymo printer and place the label directly on the item as I’m listing it on Amazon at my computer. It’s a thermal printer, so there is never any need for ink.
Dymo Labels – This box contains one rolls of 500 labels of the perfect size labels for sending inventory in to Amazon FBA. The labels are 1″ x 2-1/8″ and work perfectly. I also use these labels to print out my own “This is a Set. Do Not Separate” and “Do Not Open. Ready To Ship” stickers.
Dymo Printer Cleaning Cards – These cards help you keep your Dymo printer in tip-top shape. These cards safely remove contamination from print heads and improve print quality. The best thing they do is extend the life of any Dymo LabelWriter printer.
Self Adhesive Shipping Labels – These are the labels I use when shipping boxes to FBA warehouses. They stick to the boxes well and are very dependable. You can also get free shipping labels directly from UPS by clicking here and signing up for a UPS account and requesting them send you the shipping labels.
Magic Eraser – I love my Magic Erasers. They help me clean up items I plan on selling on Amazon. I use them when I’m cleaning up a book cover or if there is any residue on the box of an item I want to sell. It helps get out most pen and marker stains. It’s abrasive enough to get the dirt or grime off of an item, but not so abrasive as to damage the item itself.
Clear Round Stickers – I have these for a variety of uses. The number one reason is to replace older clear round stickers on new items. Many items that are still in brand new condition might have the original clear stickers coming off (or have come off completely). I use these stickers to replace the ones that are no longer working well.
Label Sheets – These are the labels I used before I got my Dymo LabelWriter 450 printer (linked above). I still use these labels in many different ways. I use them to cover up bar codes on items I’m poly bagging, as well as for expiration date labels. I also have these on hand just in case the Dymo printer malfunctions and I still need to print labels that day. These “back-up” labels have only been used a few times since 2011, but has come in handy when needed.
Inventory Shipping Prep Supplies
You don’t need your own warehouse in order to do the kind of volume it takes to make a full-time income from FBA, but you do need a few important items to make the processing and shipping aspects much easier to do. Here’s what we use:
Cardboard Box Sizer and Reducer – This tool helps you reduce your shipping boxes to the exact size you need. Cutting your boxes down to size helps save you money in multiple ways: 1) Smaller boxes mean less shipping costs; 2) Smaller boxes mean you need less dunnage to fill boxes; 3) Less dunnage means that the box will weigh less, which saves you money over time. The tool is easy to handle, and I use it for almost every shipment. You can also use this box sizer to make some boxes bigger (yes, bigger!). For a quick video of the box sizer tool in action, check out our box sizer review post.
3-Inch Tape Gun – This was seriously a game changer when it came to optimizing my packing and shipping experience. For years, I’d only used a 2-inch tape gun, but one day I realized I was using about three strips of tape each time I was securing the bottom and top of the box. I was using too much tape and wasting time as well. Now, I just use one strip of 3-inch tape to secure the base of the box and one strip of 3-inch tape to close the top of the box. It saves me both time and money.
2-Inch Tape Gun – While the 3-inch tape gun is perfect for securing shipping boxes, the 2-inch gun is better suited for smaller taping jobs. I use my 2-inch tape gun in multiple ways: 1) Secure bubble wrap when protecting a breakable item; 2) Tape over FNSKU labels that I worry might fall off of an item I’ve bubble wrapped; 3) Close up small holes in poly bags; 4) Secure smaller cardboard boxes that I use for bundles; 5) Tape over UPS labels that I worry might peel off in the heat of the summer, and so much more.
Goo Gone Spray Gel – Don’t you hate it when there is a price sticker on an item that just won’t come off cleanly? Goo Gone is the perfect solution to help get the sticky “goo” off your item. Simply spray some Goo Gone onto the sticky residue, and it will wipe off fairly easily. For really stubborn goo, use the Scotty Peeler in combination with the Goo-Gone to scrape away the excess goo. Note: There are many different products that you can use to remove the sticky adhesive left behind from a sticker. Some other alternatives are Un-Du and even lighter fluid.
Scotty Peelers – One of the most annoying parts of retail arbitrage is taking off the price stickers of your latest inventory purchase. These tools are the perfect way to peel off the stickers from the item without damaging the original package. If any of the sticky residue remains on the item, simply use the Goo Gone and scrape off the goo with the Scotty Peeler. I sometimes even use a Scotty Peeler when doing retail arbitrage in case a store puts a price sticker over the UPC barcode. I’m just sure to put the sticker back on before purchasing the item or putting it back on the store shelf.
Suffocation Warning Labels – Each and every poly bag that you use on a product needs to have a suffocation warning label. If you use a poly bag and it does not have a suffocation warning on the bag, then you will be in violation of Amazon guidelines. These labels are easy to use and stay on well too.
Poly Bags – According to Amazon guidelines, there are many items that need to be poly bagged if you plan on sending them to a FBA warehouse. These bags protect your inventory from the dirt and dust found in a FBA warehouse. Poly bags come in various sizes and thickness. Be sure you know what minimum requirements Amazon has for poly bags. The ones pictured are some of my favorite to order.
24-inch Centerfold Shrink Wrap Film – This is the shrink wrap film that I use for shrink-wrapping larger items like long board games, big puzzles, longer toys, and anything else longer than 14 inches.
14-inch Centerfold Shrink Wrap Film – This is the shrink film that I use for almost all other items I need to shrink wrap. It pairs well with my 16-inch impulse sealer (see below).
Bubble Wrap – If you are selling anything made of glass or any other fragile item, you’ll want to protect it with quality bubble wrap. This bubble wrap is perforated every 12 inches so you can easily tear off only the amount of bubble wrap you need. It’s perfect for picking the right amount of bubble wrap to use each time. For a more local option, both Walmart and Sam’s Club have a big roll of bubble wrap (12 in x 150 feet) at an affordable price.
16-inch Impulse Sealer – People always ask me what size impulse sealer they should get. Without any hesitation I tell them the 16-inch model. The first impulse sealer I purchased was a 14-inch model, and there were so many times I wished it had a longer reach for sealing. You might think that the extra 2 inches isn’t that big of a deal, but it really is. I could have ordered the 20 inch impulse sealer, but have found that I almost never need more than my 16 inch sealer. Here is a video of me using this impulse sealer while processing my inventory.
WORKPRO Cordless Electric Scissors– Ok, so many of you would probably be happy with an average utility knife, but these scissors are simply amazing. They make sizing down a box or creating a custom-sized box very easy. I use these almost every day that I’m packing and shipping. It saves tons of time and energy, and I simply won’t do without it. I
1300 Watt Heat Gun – I use this heat gun in two ways: 1) To heat up the shrink-wrap so that it properly seals around the item I’m wanting to wrap for a very professional sealed look; 2) To heat up price stickers so they can be removed easier. When you apply heat to a price sticker or label and use a Scotty peeler, the label comes off very easily. See this heat gun in action shrinking shrink wrap and removing price stickers. This heat gun comes with 2 temperature settings and includes a built-in stand for easy (and safe) cool down.
Shipping Scale – This scale looks small (because it is – 8″ x 8″ x 1″) but it will weigh boxes up to 100lbs with accuracy. The weight is shown on an LCD display connected to the scale with an extendable cord. This means you can put a big, heavy box on the scale, but still see how much it weighs on the separate display. When shipping your items, you want to be sure your scale is accurate. An inaccurate scale could
cost you hundreds of dollars a year.
Hand Truck (Dolly) – When it’s time to take all of the boxes to UPS, I load them all up on this very sturdy hand truck and roll them out the front door. I can easily get three 18x18x16 boxes stacked on this dolly for easy transport.
Measuring Tape – When you reuse boxes or even create your own box sizes, you really need to know the exact dimensions to tell Amazon so you can be charged the right amount for shipping. Not entering in the correct shipping dimensions could ding your Amazon seller account metrics. There are many other ways to use this in your FBA business, like if you are creating a new product page and need the exact dimensions of the product.
Dunnage (Void Fill) – Not every box will be filled to the top with items, so you need to be sure there are void fillers placed in the box. My favorite dunnage are air pillows. When Amazon sends me a large box that includes air pillows inside, I always save them to use in my own shipments to FBA. When I run out of air pillows, I usually use newspaper tied up in a plastic grocery bag. It is against Amazon guidelines to use newspaper as void fill because they don’t want the newsprint to get on the items, but it is ok if you bag the newspaper and use that instead. Of course, air is lighter than paper and is my preferred method. Maybe one day I might even splurge for an air pillow machine.
Other than shipping boxes, which I usually get at Lowes, Home Depot, or Walmart, the above items are everything I use when I’m prepping, packing, boxing, and shipping. These are the tools I use almost every day in order to run my full-time FBA business.
Recommended (Non-Amazon) Books
As someone who runs an online business, it’s vital to keep yourself ahead of the game. When it comes to success, the right book at the right moment can be a game-changer and give you a crucial advantage over your competition.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
We all have both good and bad habits, but how did they get there? And are there ways to purposefully create good habits that will help us improve both our personal and business lives? The answer to the second question is a resounding, “YES!” The book outlines how we can equip ourselves to succeed by breaking down our bad habits and setting ourselves up with good habits. The Power of Habit helped me form the habits I needed to create in order to be consistent with growing my Amazon FBA business. This book also tackles overcoming your bad habits that are holding you back from finding the success you seek. This book was an interesting and easy read.
The One Thing by Gary Keller
The book starts off with this proverb: “If you chase two rabbits, you won’t catch either one of them.” When we see the wisdom in this proverb, it can revolutionize our productivity. This book will help you cut through the clutter, achieve better results in less time, build momentum toward your goals, overcome that overwhelming feeling, dial down stress, revive your energy, stay on track, and master what matters most to you. This book will help you find the “one thing,” such that by doing it, will make everything else become easier or even possibly unnecessary. This book will play an instrumental role in taking your Amazon FBA business to the next level.
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
The world we live seems to always be screaming for our attention and causing us to lose focus on the things that actually matter. In this book, the author will challenge you to rethink your current relationship with technology and help you possibly see a better way of handling all the things we allow into our heads. You’ll learn that technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it correctly to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you. This book shows the way. If you like this book, then you’ll really like one of the author’s previous books, Deep Work, which will give you the rules for focused success in a distracted world.
Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
This book outlines 21 ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time. Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” This book has helped me recognize what the big “frogs” are in my Amazon FBA business and how to stop procrastinating and get the most important things done quickly and done well. This book is a very quick but powerful read that will impact your life and help you get things done in a much more efficient manner. Be sure to get the updated 3rd edition (with the green cover).
Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
This is the book that taught Rebecca and I the framework of how we develop our yearly goals for growing our Amazon FBA business (as well as growing other business and personal goals). If you’re looking to understand how to create the right goals, as well as how to meet and potentially to exceed your goals, then this book is perfect for you. With Your Best Year Ever, you’ll be able to come up with the right goals for you and also find the fuel you need to stick with your goals until they are finally met. This book is a great book to read around New Year’s as you’re thinking of planning where you want to be in the months ahead, both personally and financially.
The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod & Cameron Herold
Did you know that the way you start your day has a drastic impact on how the rest of that day goes? This book goes into the six daily practices that will fuel your efforts to create and sustain positive change in your life. The author’s first book, The Miracle Morning, was so well received that he has collaborated with other authors to come up with a “Miracle Morning for…” book series focusing on different types of people. For us Amazon FBA resellers, I highly recommend The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs as growing an Amazon business from home is very entrepreneurial. If you are interested in seeing what his other Miracle Morning books are, then click here.
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris
While you probably won’t be working only 4 hours a week after you finish this book, you will have your eyes opened to the possibilities of how you can escape your 9 to 5 job, work more from home, and free up a lot of your time in order to pursue things you are most passionate about. This book will open your eyes to how much time you may be wasting and how to better organize your current “job” in order to transition to making a full-time income becoming your own boss. If you are serious about making the transition from a job to becoming your own boss, this book is the best place to start. Be sure to grab the expanded and updated edition of this book.
48 Days To The Work You Love by Dan Miller
I first read this book back in 2011 when I was both broke and unemployed. I had been trying for over a year to get a job that could support me and my family and was failing miserably. This book lead me in the direction of finding the type of work that I truly loved and was passionate about. After reading this book, I turned my hobby of selling online (via eBay) into a full-time job selling online (via Amazon FBA). Just over 6 months after I finished reading this book, I was selling on Amazon FBA and bringing home a full-time income. The book has recently been updated and revised, so be sure to grab the latest edition of this book.
Quitter by Jon Acuff
This book will help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job. Quitter is a very easy read and often hilarious. If you’ve ever sat in a cubicle and thought, “I don’t want to do this job for the rest of my life,” then this book is for you. Many people want to leave their 9 to 5 job and become their own boss, but it can be very, very risky. This book helps you minimize the risks involved and find success in transitioning from a job to working from home. After you read this book, you’ll probably also want to read the author’s other books Start (to help you overcome the fears you need to start new) and Finish (to help you follow through and finish what you started).
You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham
You might be familiar with YNAB because of their award-winning software for budgeting, but have you read the book You Need a Budget to explain the overall YNAB philosophy? I can’t recommend the budgeting and money management principles from this book highly enough. Are you hoping your Amazon FBA business will help you get out of debt and build wealth? This book contains the proven principles that my wife and I have been following for years. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail, so don’t manage your finances aimlessly. These concepts have given my wife and I the confidence and excitement about our finances that we need for today and in the days ahead, and it can help you too.
Mindset by Carol Dweck
If you have heard or read anything I have ever said or written, then you know just how important I think your mindset is to the success of your Amazon FBA business. This book brilliantly breaks down the difference between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset and how these mindsets impact every aspect of your life. Mindset will help you see the ways you are thinking in a new light and will even help you learn how to move from a fixed mindset (where you think you’re stuck and unable to change things) to a growth mindset (where you know you can grow, learn, and achieve new and exciting things). Mindset will impact your entire life, including how you grow your Amazon FBA business. This is definitely a book that I recommend reading more that once.
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
If you are wanting to avoid burnout, or you sense burnout approaching your 9 to 5 or your Amazon FBA business, then this is a great book to keep the fire burning strong. We often lose our passion when we lose our why. Your why is what motivates you towards sticking with and accomplishing your big goals. What is your why? Family? Financial security? Meeting goals? Building a successful business from the ground up? Whatever you want to accomplish in life, understanding your why is the best place to start. After you read Start With Why, you might also want to look into the author’s follow-up book, Find Your Why, in order to discover what your why is and how it can inspire you to meet or even exceed your goals.
Some of the above books are like roadmaps, while others are like toolkits, but they are all books that have improved how I run my FBA business. They have all had a direct impact on the success I’ve experienced so far.
Troubleshooting Courses
The Complete Guide to Resolving Inauthentic Complaints – Sometimes, an Amazon customer, another Amazon seller, or even a brand will file an inauthentic complaint against your seller account claiming you are selling a counterfeit item. Now, you know your inventory is not a counterfeit, but how can you prove this to Amazon in a way that they can believe your claim that your products are genuine? This course will help you know how to handle things before, during, and after you get an inauthentic complaint.
Use the code FULLTIMEFBA and get 25% off.
Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links and, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please know that we only recommend products we have either used ourselves (and found to be extremely helpful) or products created by folks we know and trust.
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