Raise your hand if you’ve ever paid for a gym membership, used it once or twice, and then stopped going because it was a lot of effort for not a lot of results (at least not a lot of results right away). It’s ok to admit it; we’ve all been there.
The people who get the most out of their gym membership are those who go on a consistent basis over an extended period of time. They put in the hard work, week in and week out, and over time they see amazing results. Sometimes folks can see awesome gains or losses (depending on what they’re aiming for) in the first week or two, but typically it takes a bit longer to see the pay off.
In several ways, using a complicated software like Tactical Arbitrage can be similar to using a gym membership. Tactical Arbitrage (TA) is online arbitrage software that allows you to scan an entire category of an online store’s website to find matches in the Amazon catalog, either by UPC or by product title. I won’t go into too many details in this blog post about all of the bells and whistles TA comes with, mainly because I already did an in-depth review in this blog post. In short, if you know how to use it, TA can save you hours of time each day in online arbitrage sourcing, and it can help you find profitable leads for your Amazon FBA business at hundreds of online stores. Save time, make money, good deal.
So how is using Tactical Arbitrage similar to a gym membership? You would be surprised how many people sign up for TA, use it once or twice, and then give up. Sometimes people keep their TA subscription for months without ever really figuring out how to use it; rather than try to learn, they just pay their monthly fee and let TA sit idle. Or they attempt to use it but don’t ever really take the time to learn the finer details of how it works, and they end up missing out on so much of TA’s potential. It’s like a complete novice walking into the gym and deciding to lift weights, without bothering to read up or ask questions about the right ways to lift.
I (Rebecca) had been using TA for over a year when I decided to go through Tactical Arbitrage Academy, a video-driven training course designed to cut the learning curve of TA dramatically. As I’ve discussed in a previous blog post, I’m always looking for ways to get more out of my online arbitrage subscriptions. To my great delight, with Tactical Arbitrage Academy I found myself learning things about TA that I never picked up on my own…even after using it daily for a year! More than once I heard myself say out loud, “I wish I had gone through this training before now.”
By the way, at the end of this blog post, I’ll share with you a money saving coupon code if you decide that Tactical Arbitrage Academy is right for you.
As I was going through Tactical Arbitrage Academy, I made some notes about what I liked the most so that I could share my thoughts with you:
Tactical Arbitrage Academy has over 8 hours of video content showing walk-throughs of how to use TA in screen-capture videos. You will see the instructors’ (Chris Grant and Nate McCallister) computer screen demonstrating step-by-step how to set up scans of products, how to filter the results, and how to begin analyzing potential buys. It’s a valuable peek into the work process of expert users.
2. Organized
Stephen and I both say it over and over again on this blog and in our Facebook group – paid training is more than worth the investment if it is organized well and helps you cut out time spent sorting through free content. You could end up watching hours and hours of free videos without finding the exact nugget of info you need, while with Tactical Arbitrage Academy you can go directly to the module you’re looking for. Time is money, and I love saving time by being able to cut straight to the chase in a well-organized training program.
The modules in Tactical Arbitrage Academy cover everything from the basics of how to navigate the dashboard and set up a product search, to viewing your data and adjusting your settings (and with software as powerful as TA, adjusting your settings can be more complicated than it sounds!). The training goes in-depth through each type of search available through TA, including regular searches, Amazon flips, reverse search, library search, and wholesale search. Once you’ve gone through these basic modules, you can get into the meat of the training program: “Tips, Tricks, & Tactics.” You can also check out modules that are added to the training when TA releases new features.
Like I mentioned before, I had already been using TA for over a year when I went through Tactical Arbitrage Academy. At that time, I felt like I was very experienced with online arbitrage in general and somewhat experienced with TA in particular. I mean, I had been using TA daily, but I’m by no means a technology expert. The modules for the training helped me see and understand TA features that were hiding from me in plain sight. Honestly, TA is so powerful that it can be overwhelming – the number of features is tremendous, and it’s growing all the time. With Tactical Arbitrage Academy I was able to learn more about features I had been ignoring, as well as benefit from glimpsing the work flow of an expert user and refining my own processes. I found myself cutting out even more time and finding even more leads on profitable deals.
5. Includes advanced training for Storefront Stalker Pro and for using VAs
Along with the Tactical Arbitrage Academy comes valuable training for folks who wish to use the Tactical Expander add-on to TA. Tactical Arbitrage Academy also includes an excellent set of modules for hiring and working with virtual assistants (VAs) to expand and streamline your online arbitrage sourcing. Once folks learn how to effectively use TA for profitable sourcing, often the next question they ask is “how can I hire a VA to help me do this even more effectively?” Having this VA training included with Tactical Arbitrage Academy is a huge plus.
Back to my gym membership analogy…
Can you go to the gym and work out and see results without a personal trainer or without reading up on proper techniques beforehand? Probably. Maybe. Some people can. But it could lead to injuries at the worst or a wasted gym membership at the least.
Not taking the time to educate yourself before using TA can also be costly. Sure, some folks can pick up TA intuitively and not need to take any training. But if you’re not one of those lucky few, Tactical Arbitrage Academy is an excellent way to prepare yourself for great success with online arbitrage through TA. I highly recommend using Tactical Arbitrage Academy as the most efficient way to get the most out of your monthly investment in TA – you will see huge returns on the time and money you spend up front learning the right way to use this powerful tool for making online arbitrage profits in your Amazon FBA business.
If you think that Tactical Arbitrage Academy is right for you, then click here and sure to use the coupon code FULLTIMEFBA50 at checkout. With this code, you’ll save $50 off the cost of the training course.
Now I’d love to heard from you! Have you ever tried TA and treated it like an old gym membership, not really using it to its full potential? It’s ok to admit it. Or maybe you worry that TA will be too hard to understand or use? Do you have any questions about Tactical Arbitrage or Tactical Arbitrage Academy? Let us know in the comments below.
Question – does this price include the software necessary? Thank you.
The price of using the Tactical Arbitrage program is not included in the price of the Tactical Arbitrage Academy training course. They are two separate products. Tactical Arbitrage Academy is a one-time purchase, and the Tactical Arbitrage program/software is a monthly subscription.
I have OAXRay. I guess I am committed for several months. Is there any good reason I should switch?
It depends on what your goals are for your business and for your scanning software. Both OAXray and Tactical Arbitrage work very well for online arbitrage. I did a more in depth review/comparison of both products here https://www.fulltimefba.com/review-tactical-arbitrage-oaxray.
How do you hand this off to a VA. Is there anything in the course that prevents a person on another computer with a different ip address from training on it. I say this because some courses are very proprietary and don’t allow these things. How do you give it to them?
My second questions is, isn’t this a little like amazon when the truth is there is definitely some saturation going on. I do wholesale sourcing with a special program, and I have noticed that an awful lot of people, probably hundreds if not thousand have been contacting these wholesalers looking to sell on amazon. While I am getting suppliers, there are very good percentage, like almost 1/3 that say they are full up with amazon sellers. And I think it is highly likely, and looks like it, that the best suppliers are already full up with amazon sellers.
Isn’t this business model, online arbitrage and possibly this program, Tactical Arbitrage, saturated at this point too, because many people have already jumped on the bandwagon. My question boils down to, will this actually make you at least a decent income, like only even $1500 month if you use a VA to do it for you working 40 hours a week.
Hi Jacob, thanks for your questions.
For the first question about having a VA go through the course, there is an entire component of the course designed for teaching VAs how to work with you to use Tactical Arbitrage. For your question about IP addresses, you should reach out directly to the course creators for more info.
On the second question about saturation concerns, I think the main issue is large numbers of sellers flocking to low-hanging fruit. Many folks get into Amazon FBA (whether it’s through RA, OA, wholesale, or private label) thinking it’s a get-rick-quick or get-rich-easy scheme, and they all try to take the path of least resistance to make a quick buck. So yes, you end up seeing some suppliers (again, RA, OA, wholesale, it doesn’t matter) being used by tons of resellers, and the effects of supply and demand come into play…the number of Amazon sellers goes up and the price of those products goes down. The key is to do the hard work to find suppliers that aren’t being used by everyone else. Yes, that is hard work. But it is not impossible work. It does require some time up front, but once you find a handful of good suppliers, the time commitment moving forward becomes less and less.
Personally, I do 100% OA at this point, and I have a regular rotation of stores that I source from, spending about 5-10 hours per week using Tactical Arbitrage to set up scans and evaluate the data. I tried using a VA at one point, but I found that I prefer to do it on my own. To answer your question about making “at least a decent income,” it takes time and effort to learn the software and to ramp up your business, but yes, that is more than possible. If you have a well-trained VA working for you 40 hours a week and you are using the software correctly, you can make several times the dollar amount you mentioned per month.
What are your thoughs on Source Mogul?
I started on Source Mogul and liked it a lot. I found a couple of stores that I still source from, even though I’ve switched the TA and canceled Source Mogul. To me Source Mogul is good, but nowhere near as developed as TA and they basically cost the same if you only do the OA component of TA. So the question would be, why buy the less valuable product at the same price point?
How useful is TA in the UK as it is in the US? I know they offer UK coverage, yet I haven’t found any recent UK reviews to which would suggest people are using it.