Google Chrome, in our opinion, is the best browser for doing online arbitrage or wholesale sourcing because extensions for Chrome are so widely available. Today on the show, we are going to be talking about the top Google Chrome extensions for Amazon sellers.
These are going to be some amazing tools that you’re going to want to check out and see if they could be helpful for you in your FBA business. Join us as we share some of our go-to Chrome extensions, including some that are free, some that are paid, and another that has a free and paid options. These are the Chrome extensions that have helped us most and can help you too!
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Key points from Episode 103:
What a Google Chrome extension is: programs that run applications on the Google Chrome browser.
- Some of the extensions we talk about today also have other browser versions available.
- How these extensions help us with our online arbitrage or wholesale sourcing and more.
- Four free extensions, three paid extensions, and one that has a free and paid option.
- How the extensions help save you hours and hours from your normal manual sourcing activities.
- How some extensions can not only save you money, but make you money as well.
- And more!
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Keepa and the Keepa Extension
- RevSeller – Use the code FULLTIME to save $20 off your 1st year
- Rakuten – cash back extension
- Honey – coupon code extension
- Amazon Assistant
- PriceBlink
- OAXRAY – this tool is no longer active
- The Resellers Guide to Online Arbitrage Course
- Sourcetember – FREE video based sourcing training for the month of September.
Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.
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The Reseller’s Guide to Keepa
Have you heard about Keepa? It’s a tool (with both a free and a paid plan) that can dramatically lower the risk of sourcing inventory items that end up tanking in price. I’m sure you know how it feels to buy an item expecting it to sell for a high price only to see the price tank soon after you send it to Amazon. With using Keepa the right way, you can protect yourself from that happening!
Basically, Keepa tracks the vital data on almost every item on Amazon. It can quickly show me the sales rank history, pricing history, buy box price history, used item history, Amazon in stock history, competitors’ stock levels, and so much more. With Keepa, I can easily look at the data from the past and better know what to expect in the future when it comes to price and sales velocity.
To find out everything there is to know about using Keepa to make smart sourcing decisions, be sure to check out our course, The Reseller’s Guide to Keepa: Using Amazon Sales History to Make Smart Sourcing Decisions.
With this course, you’ll make more confident sourcing decisions, better pricing decisions, and you’ll grow your Amazon business to the next level by selling your inventory faster and at higher prices!
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Episode 103 Transcript:
[0:00:01.8] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Full-Time FBA Show. In each episode, it’s our goal to help you turn part time hours into a full-time income, selling almost anything on Amazon. Now, your hosts of the show, Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman.
[0:00:21.7] REBECCA: Hello there and welcome again to another episode of the Full-Time FBA Show. We are on episode number 103. Today, we’re going to be talking about the top Google chrome extensions for Amazon sellers. These are going to be some tools that you’re going to want to check out and see if they could be helpful for you in your FBA business. As always, today here with me is my cohost, Stephen. Welcome Stephen.
[0:00:44.9] STEPHEN: I’m so happy to be here and I’m ready to talk some Google extensions, baby. Wait, I don’t ever call you baby, that was so weird.
[0:00:51.5] REBECCA: You really don’t call me baby, that’s funny.
[0:00:52.7] STEPHEN: — that was so weird.
[0:00:53.7] REBECCA: Where did that come from?
[0:00:55.0] STEPHEN: Just kind of came out.
[0:00:55.7] REBECCA: That’s okay. Please forgive us everyone.
As I said, we’re going to be talking today about the top Google chrome extensions that Amazon sellers tend to use for their FBA business. First off, let’s talk about what a chrome extension is. Chrome is the Google browser that you can use on your computer, it’s a browser you can search. Use the Google search bar, you can do whatever you need to do on the Internet on this browser and then extensions are programs that run on the chrome browser.
They are programs that can be used in various ways to do various tasks and you basically download them to your browser and then run as programs either within a website automatically or you can, with one click, do something that will activate them to do a task within a website while you’re there.
These are programs that are great to have, especially when you’re doing online arbitrage or wholesale sourcing. Some of these extensions also work for other browsers besides chrome so you’ll just have to check the site for details on how to put them on different browsers, if you’re using Firefox or Safari or whatever other browser you might be using.
We think that Google chrome is the best browser for doing OA or wholesale sourcing because these extensions are so widely available for chrome and they just work really well and so we kind of stick to Google chrome when it comes to doing our FBA business.
On our list, we have four extensions that are free, three of them that are paid subscription and then one that has a free and a paid option. We’re going to throw out a lot of links at you today. Don’t feel like you need to be writing down all of these necessarily right now. We’ll have these links available for you in the shownotes,
[0:02:55.3] STEPHEN: All right, let’s jump into our favorite chrome extensions for Amazon sellers. The first one is my number one favorite, you probably won’t even know if you’ve heard me talk before about anything. Number one is Keepa. Keepa is a tool that helps give you the sales rank history and pricing history and a whole lot more for almost every single item on Amazon.
There is a chrome extension that helps put a Keepa graph right in the middle of an Amazon product page. You go to Amazon and you start scrolling down and usually, right underneath the image of the product, there is a Keepa graph but only if you have the extension activated so it’s amazing, it helps you save a ton of time, you don’t have to switch back and forth between and Amazon and you can just really make some really good sourcing decisions right there by seeing all that data right there on your screen.
For information about how to get this extension, you can go to The free part of Keepa gives you the pricing history of Amazon and third-party sellers. The paid part of the Keepa subscription gives you sales rank history plus buy back price history plus a whole lot more. It’s amazing. Play around with it, have some fun with it, it can really help you with the smarter sourcing decisions with both online arbitrage and wholesale and if you use Keepa on your smart phone with an app then it helps your RA too.
[0:04:17.1] REBECCA: Okay, the second extension we wanted to let you know about is the RevSeller extension. This one is a paid subscription and the way it works is they take the information from various parts of the Amazon product page and it puts it all in a box at the top of the product page, right underneath the title of the item and it is a really easy way to see a lot of information about a product in one easy convenient place without having to scroll or click to do a bunch of things and get that information.
We’re talking information like the Azon and the sales rank and then it also will tell you information about the percentage of that sales rank in its category. It will have a calculator so that you can easily calculate your profit based on the current buy box price, whether you’re selling fulfill by merchant or fulfill by Amazon, it gives you information about 90 days sales rank history and a lot more.
I can‘t even go into everything that it gives you but it’s a ton of information just in a little box right there at the top of the product page that you – once you start using something like RevSeller, you become so addicted to it. Every once in a while, I’ll get logged out somehow and I will go to an Amazon product page and it’s like, “What? What happened to my information?” I’m having to scroll and look and click and okay, let’s go get logged back in so my extension pops back up.
It’s super handy, super convent, lot of information and you know, like Stephen was talking about with Keepa, it’s just a really great way to make smarter sourcing decisions and it makes it a lot easier and speeds up the process of making these decisions.
[0:05:55.4] STEPHEN: Yeah, I love RevSeller too, use it as almost as much as I do Keepa, it’s an amazing tool. Definitely check it out. We’ll put on the show notes a coupon code where you can get $20 off the first year so you’ll find that on our shownotes page there.
Another tool that we like to use is not necessarily reseller focused for Amazon sellers but it’s just a smart tool to use when you’re buying anything online and that is the Rakuten chrome extension. Rakuten, formerly Ebates is a program that gives you cash back for items that you’re purchasing online. If you’re purchasing items for your business, either stuff to resell or business related purchases, if a participating website is involved with that, you might get a percentage cash back and so, Rakuten saves up that cash back for you and then once a quarter, four times a year, they’ll send you a big fat check or do a PayPal deposit.
Different types of options to get your money but you can really add up a ton of cash back over time, using Rakuten. If you’re going to be spending money on these websites anyway, it doesn’t cause the items that you’re buying to cost anymore. You still get that cash back and it’s money right in your pocket.
Not using Rakuten is actually losing you money. If you want to get more ROI on the stuff that you’re selling? Use Rakuten because you can get some cash back. There’s also ways that you can set it up to do it retail arbitrage by connecting your credit card but our number one way of using Rakuten is with the chrome extension. Free and easy, definitely recommended. Find out more about that,
[0:07:15.3] REBECCA: Another great extension to use when you’re doing online shopping, whether it’s for your OA sourcing or just business purchases that you might be making or even your personal purchases as well is Honey and Honey works similar to Rakuten in that it will give you some cash back but it also has a lot of really great coupon codes that you can find and so if you are wanting to make sure that you’re increasing your ROI on every purchase that you’re making for your business, for sourcing you can bring down the cost – the buy cost of your inventory by making sure that you are using the most up to date coupon codes and Honey will let you know what those are.
It is a free extension, you can find it at and just make sure to know that Honey and Rakuten work in a similar way, so whichever of those extensions you click last before you make your purchase is going to be the program that will get the credit for that purchase. If you are wanting to maximize your Rakuten purchases be sure that you click on Rakuten last. If you’re wanting to get Honey then make sure that you click on Honey and you know, it helps to compare. Sometimes you might be getting a different percentage on a different extension for the cash back, so you might want to compare before you make that purchase.
[0:08:33.5] STEPHEN: Another tool that we like to use is called the Amazon Assistant and you could find this right at It’s an extension that you install in your Google Chrome that will show you when you are on other online retail store websites, what the price is on that particular item on Amazon. Say, you’re at and you are looking at an item to buy at, well, there might be a little pop-up that shows you what that price is currently on Amazon.
Now, Amazon made this so that you can see, “Oh Amazon is a lot cheaper than Coles for this particular product.” The resellers use it saying like, “Oh my gosh, this is on sale at Coles at 10 dollars but Amazon’s lowest price is $35. Hey, this is an opportunity to buy this at Coles” and so instead of having to jump back and forth between Amazon and Coles, then you can kind of see right there using the Amazon Assistant Chrome extension to make the best decision when it comes to stuff you are buying for resale.
Another Chrome extension we like to use is very similar. It’s called PriceBlink and this does the same thing except kind of switched around. If you’re on Amazon and you’re in a product page, PriceBlink will show you if there is another website out there that is selling it for a cheaper price. You can look at Amazon for a particular item and PriceBlink will check all of the other types of retail online stores that they have and will say this item is selling for $20 on Amazon but you can get it for $5 on Does that even exists anymore? I don’t know.
[0:09:52.8] REBECCA: Someretailer dot com.
[0:09:54.5] STEPHEN: Yeah, right, so you get the idea. Those are two free Chrome extensions that kind of help you do some price comparison to help you either get the best price or to know if you are able to sell it for more on Amazon. You can find out about that,
[0:10:07.7] REBECCA: Then one last Chrome extension that we wanted to share with you today is the OAXRAY Chrome extension. This is one that we’ve been using for years, it’s great for both online arbitrage and wholesale sourcing. It’s a paid subscription for the extension but there is a free trial, a 10-day trial extended for you as Full-Time FBA listeners. If you go to and that link will be in the shownotes.
This extension is a way to scan large amounts of items at one time to give you back a spreadsheet of results to compare items that are for sale on one place, in one other place with the Amazon catalogue. It can compare online retail store website information with the Amazon catalogue or you can upload a spreadsheet, a wholesale manifest that you can then scan against the Amazon catalogue and it will give you back the results and compare UPCs and also title and images.
It does title image searches as well in order to see if things match with the Amazon catalogue and then compares the price. It gives you sales rank information. It will show you is there a decent ROI, it gives you a spreadsheet of all the information that you would need as well as some links to Keepa and other resources to help you make even more detailed decisions. It is a great way to speed up the process of doing online arbitrage or making decisions about potential wholesale leads.
There’s a lot more to say about OAXRAY but that is kind of the brief introduction of it. It is a way to really streamline your sourcing online and it’s a great extension that we’ve used for years for various purposes.
[0:11:51.6] STEPHEN: Those are some of the Chrome extensions that we love to use on a regular basis. We hope that you can give them a shot. If you are interested anymore about learning about online arbitrage, we have a course focused on that, The Resellers Guide to Online Arbitrage, where we walk you through everything you need to know to find stuff online to sell on Amazon for a profit. You can find more about this course at
It will help take your Amazon business to the next level where you can just sit home on your computer buying stuff online to sell on Amazon and it’s an amazing opportunity, so check that out at
[0:12:27.6] REBECCA: Well, thank you everyone for joining us again for The Full-Time FBA Show. Be sure to check out the show notes for this episode at because this is episode number 103. You’ll find all of the links that we mentioned for the resources, these Chrome extensions will be there in the show notes as well as the transcript if that would be helpful for you.
[0:12:48.2] STEPHEN: If you found this podcast helpful, this episode or one of our previous episodes, we really want to encourage you to tell a friend about The Full-Time FBA Show. To take some time maybe post on social media or if you hear somebody asking question that one of our podcast episodes might answer, tell your friends. Tell people you know online about The Full-Time FBA Show and we would greatly appreciate that.
Next week on The Full-Time FBA Show, it’s going to be October, Q4 is here next week and so we’re going to get into our October Fear Series. We did last year, had a lot of fun, talked about overcoming some fears and we’re going to pick more to help you overcome in October. Next week, we’re going to be talking specifically about how to overcome your fears of going too deep on a purchase. You find an inventory item that man, you could buy a lot of them.
How deep do you go? Do you go too deep? What is too deep? We’ll answer those questions and help you overcome that fear next week on The Full-Time FBA Show.
[0:13:41.2] ANNOUNCER: That is all for this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. So head over to, where you will find the shownotes and links from this episode. While you’re there, subscribe to our newsletter where you’ll get several free downloads of our popular and helpful Amazon FBA resources. Now, take action on what you have learned today so you can find success at turning part-time hours into a full-time income with Amazon FBA.
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